Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Chocolate dan Coklat

Chocolate and chocolate are the same, in Indonesia, known by the name Chocolate brown. We only hear his name is certainly imagine it's a sweet, sticky. There are two main chocolate to note is the flavor and texture. Brown has a unique taste, texture in the form of compact room temperature, rapid melt in the mouth, a liquid and feels soft on the tongue. There are various ways to turn brown, one of them includes the stages: mixing, softening, rarefaction (conching), tempering and printing.
Materials used to make chocolate varied, including: pasta / cocoa liquor, refined sugar, milk, cocoa fat. Tetrsebut material is mixed with a certain comparison, and with the engine type dilembutkan roll up to be the size of particles <20 mu

Conching conducted at a temperature of 60-70C for 24-96 hours. On this dough chocolate conching mashed continuously, usually at the end of conching added lesitin and vanilla. During conching compound of water and taste unwanted vapor; particles chocolate, sugar and milk will terselimuti with good fat cocoa by giving smooth sensation.

Tempering is done to obtain a stable brown related to the crystal form of cocoa fat. At the beginning of the tempering chocolate dough gradually heated temperature of 33C into 48C dive 10-12 minutes, then cooled to 33C, 26C until revealed more and more dipanskan to 33C. The dough is ready to print to get the chocolate.

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