Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Chocolate and the definition of origin term Chocolate

The definition of origin term Chocolate

The term tribe in chocolate comes from the Aztec word "xocolatl", which means that the bitter drink. At the beginning, chocolate is consumed as a beverage made frothy, sometimes ditaburi red pepper, vanilla, honey or other spices. It's bitter, sepat and fatty. In the end the use of spices removed and added sugar began, milk, etc.. Those Mexico oarang Indian call "chocolate" is derived from the words "choco" which means foam (Foam) and "atl" which means water.

Before discussing the term brown it's good to know the definition cocoa beans. Cocoa beans is defined as the seeds produced by the plant cocoa (Theobroma cacao Linn), which has been fermented, cleaned and dried. Brown is a food made of seed (seed) is a tropical plant called cocoa (cacao Teobroma L). Teobroma come from greece language which means "food of the gods" (gods of foods).
Brown is a food system with a phase diskontinyu fat cocoa but sometimes can also be mixed with the kind of fat and other diskontinyu be padatan phase consisting of sugar, cocoa and milk powder.

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